Girls grow quickly during their infancy and childhood. When they enter adolescence, their growth rates skyrocket once more. Similarly, girls often stop developing and attain adult height by age 14 or 15, or a few years after menstruation begins.


Learn more about female growth, what to expect when it occurs, and when you should contact your child’s physician.


When Does Puberty Begin and End in Girls?


Teenagers often endure a growth spurt throughout puberty that propels them to adult height. The shift from infancy to adulthood is known as puberty. It explains a sequence of changes people undergo when their bodies produce more hormones.


Puberty typically begins between the ages of 8 and 13 in females. They often begin puberty between the ages of 9 and 10 Trusted Source. However, everyone’s situation is unique. Puberty typically lasts four years after it begins.


In girls, starting puberty before the age of eight is considered early. Puberty is considered late if breasts have not formed by 13 or periods have not begun by 15. While there is usually no cause for concern, it is best to see a doctor if puberty symptoms appear early or late.


Menarche, or the onset of menstrual cycles, occurs on average around 12. However, the observed age range at which periods can begin is substantially greater, ranging from 9 to 15.


Acne is a common puberty symptom. Body hair usually becomes thicker and darker. Also, puberty hormones can sometimes cause teens to feel emotional or grumpy. This is a natural and anticipated aspect of life at this age.


Are The Growth Rates of Men and Women Different?


The average female height by age is greater during the start of puberty. This is because female puberty often begins sooner, around the age of 10. Male puberty does not usually start until the age of 12 or 13.


When puberty begins, the male growth rate accelerates. The average adult male height is 70 inches, whereas the average adult female height is 64 inches. Most people attain adult height by the age of 16.


Height Distribution by Age


People’s growth rates vary significantly from year to year. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a growth chart for females that shows the average height of children and teens during various adolescence periods.


The female growth rate begins around the age of 10. The typical female height at 10 is roughly 54 inches. The average height of a 13-year-old is 62 inches. That’s an eight-inch increase in three years!


After the age of 13, growth slows to roughly an inch every year. The typical 14-year-old is 63 inches tall. After a year, it’s 64 inches, which is the standard height for 15-year-old girls.


Check out the CDC’s growth chart to show the average height at different years during adolescence. Remember, it’s only an average. It’s pretty usual to be taller or shorter than the norm.


Growth Influencing Factors


Hormones aren’t the only thing that influences puberty. Everything from genetics in the family to nutrition to sickness can speed up or slow down puberty.


Weight and Nutrition


Because what we eat influences how well our bodies grow, if your child does not get enough nutrients or is otherwise malnourished, they may not grow along the same curve as others.


Being overweight or having more than normal body fat might lead a female to enter puberty at a younger age. On the other hand, being underweight or having too little body fat (which is typical in particularly active youngsters or young athletes) might cause puberty to be delayed.




Children inherit some of their parents’ height. Therefore no matter how healthy your child is, they may be unable to outgrow their own genes. If you and/or your spouse are shorter or taller than usual, this can also influence the overall growth curve of your daughter.


In fact, some hereditary diseases, such as Down syndrome and Marfan syndrome, usually result in a lower or higher height.


Hormone-Related Disorders


The thyroid and pituitary glands are both in charge of regulating hormones related to puberty. If your daughter’s thyroid levels are low or her pituitary gland is malfunctioning, she may not produce the hormones required to begin puberty (or may not generate enough of them to cause significant growth spurts).


Chronic Disease


A few chronic disorders, such as juvenile arthritis, cystic fibrosis, and diabetes, have also been linked to slowed development in adolescents. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can also have an impact on growth for a variety of causes.


What Factors Contribute to Growth Lags?


Many variables influence development, ranging from starvation to pharmaceuticals.


Certain health disorders, such as growth hormone difficulties, severe arthritis, or cancer, may cause growth delays in certain females. In conditions such as Marfan’s syndrome, girls may grow taller than their family members.


Genetic factors also play a role. For example, girls with Down syndrome, Noonan syndrome, or Turner syndrome may be shorter than their family relatives.


Contact your child’s physician if you are concerned about their growth. When a female hits puberty, her development stops a few years, typically after her first period. A teen with delayed development will have less time to grow before her growth spurt ends.




From childhood through adolescence, girls might grow a foot or more in height. Getting adequate sleep, eating nutritious meals, and exercising on a regular basis are all healthy behaviours that can help children grow.


If you are concerned about your child’s development pattern, speak with their doctor as soon as possible. Their doctor will almost certainly inquire about your family’s growth history. They will evaluate your youngster and thoroughly study the growth curve. Moreover, the doctor may occasionally utilise tests such as X-rays or blood tests to help them discover the causes of developmental delays.