Vaginal bleeding might be quite concerning if you’re expecting a child. Another possibility is mild bleeding upon implantation. In the majority of cases, bleeding after implantation is no reason for panic.


It might be difficult to tell the difference between implantation bleeding and a miscarriage, though. Infection and ectopic pregnancies are also possible reasons for early pregnancy bleeding. 


Pregnancy bleeding may be severe, so it’s crucial to learn how to spot it and get medical treatment if you do.


What Is the Appearance of Implantation Bleeding?


When the fertilised egg (embryo) adheres to the uterine lining, bleeding is known as implantation bleeding. 


A woman’s usual menstruation may look similar and occur at the same time as a woman’s implantation bleeding, making it easy to confuse the two for one.


Women should be able to tell if their vaginal bleeding is due to implantation or not and when to seek medical help.


Performing a urine pregnancy test (UPT) and seeing a doctor should be the first steps for a woman who believes that her bleeding is due to implantation bleeding rather than normal menstruation. Moreover, pregnant women have implantation bleeding in around a quarter of all cases.


Implantation Bleeding Symptoms and Signs


Occasionally, a mild menstrual flow might be misinterpreted for implantation bleeding. When a woman’s menstruation is expected to begin, it might lead to incorrect predictions regarding the baby’s due date.


The following are features of implantation bleeding:


  • The colour is either pink or brown. The hue of menstrual blood is often reddish. When it comes to implantation bleeding, the hue is typically pale pink or rusty brown.
  • Women sometimes expel tiny coagulated blood and tissue clots during their periods. Women who are having implantation bleeding are not affected by it.
  • When a woman wipes after going to the restroom, she is more likely to notice implantation bleeding. The thicker the flow, the less likely the bleeding is implantation.
  • It takes three days for the implant bleeding to cease. A cycle might last up to seven days.


Moreover, these are the pregnancy symptoms other than implantation bleeding that can reveal an early stage of the pregnancy:


  • Soreness or cramps
  • Headaches
  • The state of one’s emotions might change drastically
  • Nausea


Implantation discomfort is similar to monthly pains, making it difficult to tell the two apart. From a matter of minutes to many days, the discomfort may be felt by the patient. Intermittent and minor discomfort should be expected if the illness lasts several days.


It is common for cramps to induce lower abdominal pain. Still, implantation can also cause lower back pain and breast discomfort.


What Does Bleeding Due to Miscarriage Look Like?


The bleeding linked with an approaching miscarriage or chemical pregnancy may begin as spotting and then progress into a stronger flow with visible clots and a dark red hue, comparable to a heavy menstrual period, as a result. Other indicators of a miscarriage include cramping and the passage of tissue via the vagina.


On the other hand, implantation bleeding might look like a brown or lighter coloured discharge that does not include any blood clots. And only a few hours to a few days of a lighter flow might be expected.


Miscarriage Signs & Symptoms


Each woman’s experience with miscarriage is unique, as are the signs and symptoms accompanying it. There may be increased bleeding and tissue loss in a later miscarriage since the foetus at 14 weeks is significantly bigger than the foetus at 5 weeks of gestation.


Symptoms of a miscarriage include:


  • Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or lower back discomfort
  • Products that have been expelled from the vagina
  • An abnormal amount of vaginal blood or spotting


So, for anything of this sort, you should consult a healthcare professional immediately.


To Worry or Not to Worry?


Between-period spotting isn’t something to be concerned about. There are situations, though, when you should contact a medical professional.


Increase in Spotting Incidents


Consult with your doctor or other medical professionals. This might signify something more severe if you’re prone to spotting before or between periods. Endometriosis is the cause of spotting that lasts for more than two days before your menstruation arrives.


Some malignancies can also cause spotting, including infections, hormone imbalance, fibroids, etc. Severe irregularities should be taken care of as soon as possible.


Bleeding Profusely


It’s alarming if you’re pregnant and experiencing severe bleeding. If your flow resembles your period or the spotting becomes more frequent, it’s time to see a doctor.


When Spotting or Bleeding Occurs


Contact a healthcare physician if spotting or bleeding is accompanied by pelvic discomfort or cramps. In the first trimester of your pregnancy and during your period, you may have mild cramps or achiness throughout your body. 


Pregnant women experiencing even minor cramping or spotting should contact their doctor immediately. A simple, reassuring statement or a blood test or ultrasound may be all that’s needed to confirm what you’re feeling is normal.  


Unbearable Pain


Emergency services and your doctor should be contacted promptly if you have acute discomfort.


Ectopic pregnancy or a consequence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) might cause extreme vaginal bleeding and discomfort. Acute PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) may be the cause. The sooner you get medical assistance, the better.




Although bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy is rather typical, there are several warning signs to keep an eye out for to assess whether or not you’re experiencing implantation bleeding or miscarriage.


It’s normal to have implantation bleeding, which is mild bleeding that lasts for a few days and occurs when your period is due.


Suppose you’re experiencing cramping and pain in your stomach. In that case, you may have a miscarriage (or ectopic pregnancy), typically after four weeks of pregnancy. In the event of a miscarriage, surround yourself with the support and love you need, and remember that your feelings are perfectly normal.


But the most important thing to remember is that if you’re experiencing any bleeding, consult a medical professional immediately. It’s always in your best interest to take care of your body.