If you are a couple struggling to get pregnant, then you might have heard about implantation. A lot of us think that pregnancy is just a one-step life process. However, countless factors contribute to it as a whole. Implantation is the process during early pregnancy when a fertilized egg has been divided, multiplied, and then attached to the uterine wall. Being aware of when the implantation occurs in the body is essential for any couple trying to conceive. 

Knowing the correct details related to implantation helps the couple understand when to engage in sexual activity for pregnancy. In addition, getting to know about some signs of implantation is highly useful as they aid one to take the pregnancy test at the optimum time. Even though the egg may have been fertilized for over a week now, it’s only after the implantation process (which is once completed) that the body starts producing the hormone hCG. This pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) is what the pregnancy tests detect and show the two pink lines.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss all the details relevant to implantation and understand the process occurring in the human body.

Implantation and its Occurrence

Implantation happens at quite an early stage of pregnancy. An egg can only be fertilized when the sperm successfully meets with an operational egg. This egg then travels through one of the tubes and towards the uterine wall/lining, where it attaches itself and grows. The reason why this entire process is known as “implantation” is that the egg implants itself in the uterus and then starts to grow- turning into a fetus.

If, for instance, implantation doesn’t occur, then the uterine lining sheds like every normal monthly cycle. This throws off and causes disappointment for the couple struggling to get pregnant. Yet, one needs to know that your body will always push you to try again. Therefore, it is best to remember that the health and maintenance of the uterus and embryo are significant for implantation. Implantation happens anywhere between six to ten days, and at times it happens between eight to nine days. But remember that every human body is different from others, and so many processes may vary. It solely depends on when you ovulated, and you may be sensitive to every change occurring in one’s body, no matter how important or insignificant it is.

Once implantation has happened, the body regulates the pregnancy hormone; hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This aids in supporting the pregnancy until the time of delivery. Timing is crucial as the sperm can only last up to 5 days inside the body and meets a viable egg.

Signs and Symptoms of Implantation

The majority of women don’t go through any specific signs to indicate whether the process of implantation has occurred or not. However, it is believed that some women go through implantation bleeding. 

Nevertheless, below are some of the significant signs that appear once implantation occurs.


The actual difference between implantation symptoms and a regular period can be pretty confusing, especially when they happen around the same time. Almost 15 to 25 percent of women experience light to moderate bleeding. In the case of implantation bleeding, the blood is pink in color and then gradually transitions into brown, indicating its departure. It should stop within a day or two and won’t contain/flow clots, unlike in one’s period.


Abdominal pain is also another classical sign experienced during menstruating and during implantation. It’s no news that pregnancy causes a sudden shift in one’s hormonal activity. Due to this sudden change, cramping occurs. Cramping happens due to the fertilized egg implanted in the uterus as it develops. Also, abdominal cramping shouldn’t last more than 2 to 3 days. If the issue persists, one should seek medical help immediately.

Swollen Breasts

Once implantation has been completed, hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and hCG rise extensively. Such hormones can leave your breasts tender and swollen upon touch and in appearance. Though such sore breasts show up during the premenstrual phase, they are quite visible in the early stages of pregnancy.


The most famous signs of early pregnancy are nausea, aka morning sickness. Though this can happen at any time of the day, there are increased progesterone levels followed up by implantation, and thus that mix can leave one nauseous. However, this commonly occurs around 4 to 5 weeks of being pregnant; this is around the time one has already missed their monthly period.

Some Other Signs

Apart from the significant symptoms of implantation mentioned above, some other random signs can give away the fact about the occurrence of implantation. Though implantation isn’t anywhere near painful, it happens at an early stage, making you feel uncomfortable and sick. Besides the common signs, other symptoms include headaches, bloating, and mood swings.


Trying to get pregnant can be extremely nerve-wracking, mind-boggling, and an exciting roller coaster. Women feel like forever while waiting for their baby. In this development, they tend to observe and notice each and every detail or minor change that their body goes through. This, however, is quite a normal thing for all pregnant women as they also are gaining knowledge about the ways their body is evolving for the little one’s arrival.

Many women experience signs such as moderate bleeding, lightheadedness, wooziness, nausea, headaches, mood swings, and many more when it comes to implantation. But the annoying part is that most women mistake for PMS and fail to notice whether they experienced implantation or not.

Nonetheless, suppose one suspects that they are pregnant or are possibly going through implantation. In that case, the best way to find out is to take a home pregnancy test or schedule a meeting with a doctor or a healthcare professional. A doctor will be able to guide better. It must not be forgotten that there would have been enough hCG to show the result positive by the time one takes a pregnancy test.

One must indeed learn to trust their instincts as a parent and try their best to enjoy the time while awaiting a piece of wonderful news.