Have you noticed that you’re pretty active and energised; now that your due date is near? Do you feel like reorganising and preparing everything in your house, including the room where your little one will stay? Whether you are pregnant or simply interested to know about the wonder, this article is the perfect place to have all your queries solved.

Commonly, nesting is defined as this sudden sense or feeling found within moms-to-be to brace themselves and be ready for birth. Hence, the word “nesting” is used. These urges kick in somewhere around the end of the third trimester, or maybe sooner. So if you find yourself raging with this new type of energy, you might be under the influence of this maternal phenomenon.

Nesting can include cleaning, decorating, stocking baby items or designing the little one’s room. However, it is not proven as an unmistakable sign of labour, so some women don’t feel the need to nest, which is completely fine. Nesting can take place in people who aren’t pregnant as well.

It is vital to understand that nesting is much more than just the practical form. It’s a part of the mental health of the pregnant woman herself and must not be overlooked. If it’s your first pregnancy, then there are chances you might undergo this phenomenon again in later pregnancies (if any); but it will be milder.

Causes of Nesting

First off, let’s realise that nesting is not a medical problem. It doesn’t require any medical attention, even when you visit the doctor for your checkups. Since it occurs in most women, it is taken more as a reminder of your primary connections to life and the burning desire to bond with your soon-to-arrive bundle of joy.

Act of “nesting” is deemed natural and is seen in animals, such as dogs and birds, apart from humans. Such animals pre-occupy themselves in assembling and arranging the basic requirements for their babies.

Though the causes are unknown, nesting is often linked to the hormonal changes occurring during that time cycle. Consequently, some studies have shown that such behaviours are used to cope with stress or anxiety related to the pregnancy itself.

More reasons why women nest are the growing excitement for the baby to come, wanting everything to be top-notch for the baby, saving time and energy for the baby’s arrival so that more time is invested within the baby. More signs include; feeling hints of annoyance because the pregnancy is dragging or lingering on and keeping themselves busy overall. 

Beginning of the Nesting Period

Typically, nesting is bound to start at the end of the 3rd trimester, around week 38 or 39. However, it can also commence just a few weeks before your delivery date.

As the time of labour draws near, these urges tend to intensify. The pregnancy hormone estrogen is known to peak in the third trimester. It allows you to have stamina and energy throughout, which helps you perform the act of nesting. Even thinking about your baby’s next phase of your life is a form of nesting.

Giving birth brings drastic changes. It’s a massive change of scenery in a couple’s life. Therefore, don’t be afraid to give in to these urges if nesting occurs. Ensuring that you have enough energy and stamina to deliver your child, you can perform all nesting activities in full swing. 

Signs of Nesting

pregnant woman nesting

There are certain behaviours or characteristics that the nesting mothers exhibit. Most usual of them include cleaning as soon-to-be moms become highly focused on the cleanliness of their surroundings as they know that their baby’s immune system will be fragile.

More signs range from buying and stocking every baby item that you might find cute or handy. Planning and packing your hospital and diaper bags are also counted as hints towards the nesting process.

While most of the signs brought up are quite evident, there are some subtle signs too. You may find yourself wanting to constantly be around your home and becoming extremely picky about the people with whom you are spending your time. Some women concentrate on calmer activities such as painting, reading books, decorating the house and choosing eye-pleasing tones when it comes to colours.

The focal point of nesting is building and laying the foundations of a secure, protected, and happy place for the baby to grow in. In addition to that, the soon-to-be mom should also take care of her needs. Learn to follow and trust your motherly instincts.

Safety Tips while Nesting

While nesting is a period where you feel highly excited and joyful, it is essential not to go too overboard as that may cause emotional or physical injury.

As much as you find yourself tempted to wash those clothes endlessly or stay awake at night to decorate the nursery, you shouldn’t do it. The best way to keep yourself in check is to adhere to some safety rules for you and your baby.

It would help if you designated some chores for the people closest to you. You can think of them as your partners and not take all the workload on yourself. Since your balance is bound to shift as the baby grows, try not to climb ladders or places from where you can fall easily. Make sure you are hydrated, as dehydration can cause severe problems. Know that it is okay to take breaks and not get too heated.

More tips could be being mindful of your feelings, setting curfews for every activity you are performing, and coming up with a good plan. You must not overthink every tiny detail or what new struggles your future will bring once the baby is brought into the world. 


Nesting is not a sign of labour, and it shouldn’t be thought of over and over. It is an instinct found mostly among expecting mothers.

If you happen to be nesting, do what you feel like doing while taking all the precautions to safeguard your and your baby’s security. Getting your home ready and making a lovely and safe environment for your little one is all that matters.

If you sense that the nesting period is taking a toll on you, it would be best to talk to your midwife or OB-GYN for guidance and professional insight.