Let’s say you’re sitting in your office and the 9 am meeting is about to start. Suddenly your stomach growls – and to your horror, everyone looks at you.

Isn’t that a little embarrassing? 

Well, it could be, but you should know that stomach growling or stomach rumbling is a normal thing. It happens with everyone, and you should be okay with some occasional growling.

However, if you have started to notice an increase in the frequency of stomach growling, then it means there is something wrong. You could either be eating the bad stuff, experiencing indigestion, or have some issues with your eating habits.

In this article, we will give you an overview of stomach growling and equip you with some critical points on how to quiet it down.

Let’s get into it!

Stomach Growling

Now that you know that stomach growling is a normal process that happens to everyone, it is essential to understand why it happens. What causes your stomach to growl, and why is it a common recurrence?

It’s a fact that certain habits and food can promote stomach growling, and that is why you should avoid including them in your daily routine. 

Why Does It Happen?

Have you heard about the good bacteria that live inside your gut? 

Let us familiarise you with your gut’s normal flora!

Normal flora corresponds to the microorganisms (aka good bacteria) that reside in our stomach since the day we were born. These normally residing bacteria are responsible for fermenting non-digestive substances into digestive substances, boosting our immune system and protecting us from pathogens.

As a result of these processes, the bacteria eventually produce gases, which are why your stomach rumbles. When these gases move from your stomach to the intestine, this movement makes such noises in your stomach.

Proven Ways to Quiet a Growling Stomach


stomach growling


So, your stomach growls; what’s the big deal? It happens with everyone – who cares?

The answer is simple, everyone cares. 

While it is understood that it can happen to everyone, we all would like to avoid it in formal dinners and gatherings. Be it a meeting or a meetup with your in-laws – you wouldn’t want your stomach to go all Godzilla in public.

We have narrowed down a list of tips and tricks that will help you tone down these noises and save you the embarrassment once and for all.

1. Water Is Your Best Friend

We cannot stress enough the importance of water in your life. If you want your stomach to stop grumbling, drinking water in small sips slowly would prove incredibly beneficial.

It is so because water improves digestion by making it easier for the bacteria to break down the food substances. If you’re dehydrated, then you might experience stomach growling. Moreover, if you drink water on an empty stomach, it fills up your stomach and soothes down the noises that may arise from hunger.

2. Eat On Regular Intervals

If you experience stomach growling regularly, it would be better to eat at regular intervals or eat something between the three complete meals of your day. By adopting this habit, you ensure a normal food intake that prevents you from getting hunger pangs.

3. Keep A Food Diary

Some foods don’t really suit everyone. For some, it could be dairy products, and for others, it could be peanuts or any other food. In order to know which substances are not tolerated by your body, it would be wise to maintain a food diary.

Maybe dairy products (like cheese or milk) slow down the process of digestion in your body and may lead to flatulence and eventually stomach rumbling. To avoid this phenomenon, you should keep track of what you eat to determine what you should avoid.

4. Chew Like Your Mom Asked You To

Remember when you were chewing like a hyena, and your mom asked you to chew slowly like a princess? Well, it’s time to pay heed to that advice.

Why? Because mother knows best.

While this is true, chewing slowly actually does not allow you to swallow air. This proves to be an essential factor in causing the rumbles and growls that erupt from your stomach.

However, if you chew slowly, it not only prevents you from swallowing air but also breaks down the food into small enough pieces. Because of this, the bacteria don’t have to do much work, which prevents gas production.

5. Take A Walk After You Eat

Sitting idly after a meal isn’t what you want if you want to stop your stomach from growling. It could be because your posture causes your intestines to coil even more, and the gas pushing through may cause your stomach to rumble. Therefore, it would be a good idea to take a light walk after your meal, especially if you feel too full.

6. Avoid Foods That Cause Stomach Rumbling


alcohol poring in the glass


Certain foods can contribute to stomach growling. For example, highly acidic foods like coffee and some citrus foods can damage your stomach lining and promote stomach growling.


Alcohol is also known to cause your stomach to rumble because it irritates the digestive tract as well. Moreover, foods high in fibre such as broccoli, pulses and beans are also responsible for making your stomach growl.

7. Keep Your Anxiety At Bay

Anxiety, stress and extreme nervousness can also cause stomach rumbling. The mechanism for this phenomenon revolves around the fact that such triggers slow down gastric emptying. If the gastric contents stay for longer periods in your stomach, it gives bacteria increased chances of producing gas and causes stomach growling.


Like we have mentioned before, stomach growling is normal and is bound to happen once in a while. However, if it’s a repetitive process and you’re continuously experiencing stomach rumbling, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.