Think about all the factors that interfere with your good night’s sleep — from family responsibilities and work stress to unexpected challenges. It’s no wonder that getting quality sleep is sometimes difficult.

While you might not control the factors that interfere with your sleep, you can adopt habits that encourage you to sleep better. 

Not only it plays a vital role in restoring your energy, but it also assists you in:

  • Making daily-life decisions
  • Communicating with others
  • Planning for a goal or anything similar to it

That’s why you must have to sleep at least 7-9 hours a day.

You are not doomed to toss and turn each night. From setting a sleep schedule to including physical exercise in your daily routine – you just have to consider simple tips for better sleep. 

Read on to find out the top 8 tips for better sleep from doctors.

What If I Don’t Get Enough Sleep?


Not getting a sufficient amount of sleep can weaken your immune system, cause thinking issues, and lead to weight gain. When you don’t get adequate sleep, you may also increase your risk of severe health issues like:

By now, you already know how much sleeping recommended hours is essential for your health. It’s one of the fundamental ways you must follow to save yourself from several diseases and other harmful bodily activities for your health.

Since the sleeping factor is crucial for your health, we got some top helpful tips from doctors that you can use to get healthy sleep.

So let’s dive into it!

Top 8 Tips For Better Sleep From Doctors


woman sleeping


Due to work or for some other reasons, you might have disturbed your sleeping schedule. And now, you are tossing on your bed and still unable to fall asleep. 

As John Khoury explain it:

“People are staying up late at night on their laptops, iPads and cell phones, which doesn’t allow your body to create a good bedtime routine. What’s even worse is that many people are doing all these things while physically in bed.”

If that’s the case, then you should try the following tips to get healthy sleep while fulfilling the recommended sleeping hours.

Here are some ways to get started:

1. Set A Sleep Schedule

It’s crucial to maintain your sleep-cycle to let your body perform essential functions to conduct your life’s daily activities. Set a sleep schedule as per your age, manage your daily activities according to your sleeping schedule and stick to it. Even if it gets disturbed, try to repeat the pattern to get your routine back to normal.

2. Get Enough Sleep

To avoid health risks, you must let your body rest and sleep for at least 7-9 hours a day. However, the number of hours you sleep highly depends on your age, activities, and lifestyle.

3. Practise A Sleep Routine

Make a habit of going to bed on specific hours in order to make your body get used to resting on those particular hours. This approach will help you to sleep even if you aren’t tired enough for the day.

Most importantly, make sure to limit your activities and keep yourself away from your mobile phone and other gadgets during your sleeping hours to rest peacefully for at least eight hours. 

4. Monitor Your Dieting Habits

Don’t consume things that contain either nicotine or caffeine near your sleeping timings. It’ll take away your sleep, and its effect wears off after some time. Also, avoid food that makes you sleep at the wrong time, such as rice, malted milk, yoghurt, etc. 

5. Create A Restful Environment

One of the best ways to help your body rest and sleep is to create a restful environment for it. It will signal your body to relax, and you’ll eventually fall asleep. 

For example, take a bath before bedtime to relax your muscles, dim the lights, wear a night suite, go to a quiet place, lie down on a cosy bed, etc.

6. Do Physical Activity

If exercising makes your body active and energetic, then don’t exercise near your bedtime. However, some people fall asleep faster due to exercising at night. So, you’ll have to figure out which case suits you better.  

7. Manage Stress and Worries

You may have often lost your sleep just before a big day, like a presentation, conference meeting, your wedding day, or any other special event. 

To manage such sleep during such situations, try to calm yourself down and divert your attention by journaling, reading, or doing yoga. It’ll help relax your mind and put it to sleep on time without ruining your special day.

8. Adjust Nap Timings

Avoid long naps during the daytime as it’ll invade the night hours of sleep. Making you stay awake late will eventually disturb your sleep routine and affect your health. However, if you have to work late at night, then you must adjust your hours on day time to get recommended hours of healthy sleep. 

Ideally, your nap time during the day should not be more than 40 minutes.



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Despite all, you must fulfil the recommended hours of sleep as per your age to let your body restore energy to function properly and avoid health risks.

Considering how much sleep is vital to your health, if the tips don’t work for you and you still have sleepless nights, then you must consult a doctor. Get your problem identified and treated by a specialist as soon as possible as it may cause big trouble for your health in the long run.